How to change quality on bluestacks mac
How to change quality on bluestacks mac

To end all the unnecessary programs that are running on the background, follow these steps. Without your knowledge, the programs might be causing Bluestacks to run slow or lag. When you are using your PC, several other applications will be running on the background. These steps should fix Bluestacks Lagging issue and will make your Bluestacks Run Faster. If it doesn’t work, try the subsequent solution. With these steps, you will have solved the problem.

  • Now click Launch to open Bluestacks as it will be updated.
  • When you choose to Install Now, the PC will boot and then click on Update Now.
  • You can choose to install the updates on the next boot or right away.
  • When the download process is done click on Install Update to update Bluestacks.
  • Click on the button and update download will initiate.
  • If there are recent updates, you will see the Download Update Button.
  • You will see various option select About.
  • First, open Bluestacks and then navigate to Settings.
  • Here is what you need to perform to check and update your Bluestacks.

    how to change quality on bluestacks mac

    Then you need to check whether there are new updates and download them. 2.Updating BluestacksĪfter you have disabled your Antivirus programs but Bluestacks is running slow or lagging. However, if the problem persists try out this next method. When you disable the antivirus program on your PC, your Bluestacks will begin loading faster. For example, for those using Avast Antivirus read Disable Avast Antivirus to learn on various procedures of disabling this program.

    how to change quality on bluestacks mac

    Moreover, when you are using another Antivirus software’s, you can check on how to disable them temporarily. In case you are using Mac, you can turn XProtect off. When you turn real-time protection off you will have disabled Windows Defender. Real-time protection is On so you have to turn it off.Click on Manage Settings on Virus & threat protection settings.

    how to change quality on bluestacks mac

    Then click on Virus & threat protection.So, here is are steps to disable Windows Defender. Therefore, I have to disable Windows Defender when using Bluestacks. Whether Windows Defender if you are using a Windows 10 PC or XProtect for those using Mac.Īdditionally, all other Antivirus programs like Avast, McAfee, and many others should be temporarily disabled when you want to use Bluestacks. When you are using Bluestacks, you need to ensure that you disable any Antivirus program running. 1.Temporarily Disable All Antivirus Programs NB: Use one method at a time and restart your PC and see whether your Bluestacks runs faster. If you are or ever experience this challenge, use the following methods to resolve the problem. 6 way to Fix Bluestacks Lagging & Make Bluestacks Faster

    How to change quality on bluestacks mac